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Dr. SETI's Audio-Visual Requirements

Dr. Shuch's public lectures do require modest audio-visual support from the host organization. His usual presentation medium is PowerPoint® slides shown from his laptop computer. Unless the host facility is already so equipped, he can carry with him an SVGA (800x600 pixel, 256 color) LCD projector and the required cables. Hosts are asked to provide ac power (110 to 240 V at 50 - 60 Hz), a projector table or stand, and a projection screen.

As a backup (in case the technology chooses not to work), he also brings overhead transparencies ("view-graphs") to his gigs, so having an overhead projector in reserve is a good idea.

If the theater or lecture hall is large enough to require audio amplification, Dr. SETI prefers a clip-on wireless lapel microphone, as he is a dynamic presenter, and tends to move among the audience when lecturing. No podium is required, though a second small table near the projector (for Dr. SETI's computer and/or transparencies) is desirable.

Many of Dr. SETI's presentations include Filk Music, accompanied by his Ovation Legend Classic electro-acoustical guitar. Hosts should provide him with an armless chair or stool. Should guitar amplification be required in your venue, Dr. SETI will hand off to your PA system a preamplified, unbalanced piezoelectric pickup output on a 1/4 inch plug.

We request that a table (approximately 1 x 2 meters in size) be provided near the front of the lecture hall, for SETI League literature, equipment displays, and membership premiums. This table may also be used for any scheduled post-lecture book signings, in which case a chair should also be provided.

Dr. SETI requests access to your facility at least ninety minutes before any scheduled appearance, for setup and sound checks. Hosting organizations are requested to provide a gofer (roadie) to assist with setup and teardown. And where possible, event organizers are asked to provide a greeter, to hand out SETI League brochures to members of the audience as they file into the lecture hall.

With modest participation and support from hosting organizations, we can promise to make your evening with Dr. SETI ® a memorable experence. For additional information and coordination, feel free to contact The SETI League's secreatary by email (heather_at_setileague_dot_org), or use the contact information shown below.

The SETI League, Inc.
433 Liberty Street, PO Box 555
Little Ferry NJ 07643 USA
Phone 1 (201) 641-1770
Fax 1 (201) 641-1771
email heather_at_setileague_dot_org

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Copyright © Dr. H. Paul Shuch. Maintained by Microcomm
This page last updated 20 January 2007
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